Tuesday, November 13, 2018


No oratorical dirges, odes nor requiem recitals can justifiably describe the vacuum created by the demise of Barrister Debe Odumegwu Ojukwu , Akpunwa of Igboland . A man that took life as it was thrown to him and tried his best to keep the Odumegwu Ojukwu family legacy alive, despite the challenges he encountered both within and outside the family while growing up and as an adult .He believed in charting his own path despite his colossal pedigree .Hate him or like him, Barrister Debe Odumegwu Ojukwu was a clone of his father Dim Chukuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu both in physical appearances ,character and vociferousness .Debe saw it all ,and was proud of his heritage . Despite being a son to a warlord father and a prominent grandfather, sir Louis Odumegwu Ojukwu who at the time of his birth was a self made billionaire . Debe worked hard to become a lawyer even joined the police to carve a niche for himself. He went on to successfully run the Ojukwu Transport company as incorporated by his grandfather Sir Louis Odumegwu Ojukwu . Lions beget lions , Debe was unpretentious and many a times said what he had to say because he had a strong belief and convictions on his views ,Not a man to shy away from the bitter truth or responsibilities , Akpunwa , like his father , was desirous to make the society better and thought above personal gains .In all the hullabaloo that came up at the death of his father akpunwa was at the receiving end through no personal fault of his . What we have to copy from Barrister debes life is his live and let live attitude He was a mentor to so many including my very self .I learnt a lot from his personal experiences and recounts On becoming the grand patron of Adandiigbo cultural Pageant from 2012 to his death , Debe was particular about the empowerment of the girl child to build a better tomorrow for Nigeria,he always harped on the need to give the girl child the specialty training and preparedness for a better understanding of lives realities , Debe presented a shoulder and a purse for the empowerment of the girl child , the charity projects embarked on by the adandiigbo organization were well thought out and approved by him Debe meant so much to different people ,and different organizations Debe Would be greatly missed by friends and foes alike MacRobinson Anele